Set the Transfer Mode

The TwainPRO™ control now lets you determine the method of transfer you wish to use with the Data Source.

The TransferMode property should be set before starting a TWAIN Session (OpenSession).

Native Transfer Mode

By default, TwainPRO control uses Native transfer mode which is the simplest to use because the Data Source is responsible for providing a DIB directly to the control.

Buffered Memory Transfer

An alternative mode of transfer, buffered memory transfer, specifies that data from the Data Source is transferred in blocks of data. In buffered memory transfer mode, the TwainPRO control is responsible for converting the data received from the scanner to the proper format. Typically this would be a standard DIB. This method of transfer can be faster on computers with lesser amounts of memory or higher-end scanners.

The data can be negotiated with the Data Source through the ICAP_COMPRESSION to be in compressed format. This results in a TIFF or JPEG file being created in memory so that less memory is used and the transfer time from the Data Source to the application is lower.
See Also



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